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AI Writer Use Cases: The Benefits Of Using AI Writing Assistants

AI Writer Use Cases: The Benefits Of Using AI Writing Assistants

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Written By Kris Phelps

Do you find yourself writing the same content over and over again? Are you tired of having to write the same thing every day? Would you love to spend less time writing and more time growing your business?

There are new writing tools that we refer to as “AI writing assistants” that will help with your content marketing. It allows you to create original content faster and with less stress. But what are all of the other AI writer use cases?

From content ideas to entire articles, AI writers are changing the way content is made. Read on if you’d like to learn the use cases and how these tools can help you. We’ll share everything we’ve learned from using them ourselves.

What Are Some Use Cases For AI Writers?

When evaluating any tool for your business, the first thing that should come to mind is, “what are the use cases?” Right? How can your business benefit from adding a tool to your workflow?

The cool thing about AI writing assistants is they have a ton of use cases and can help in many areas of nearly every business.

  • Does your business write blog articles? Bam! Tons of use cases.
  • Does your business post on social media? Even more use cases!
  • Does your business send out email campaigns?

You get a use case, and you get a use case; everyone gets a use case!

Most businesses have a use case for an AI content generator, so let’s get to it!

Short-form Content Use Cases

AI writers have many use cases if you’re looking for short-form content.

You may be thinking, “Why would I need short-form content when I can just make my own?” This could be a great solution if you’re not producing enough content or don’t know what to produce.

You can write only so many Instagram captions before you get into a rut and start typing the same-sounding stuff for every post. It happens. But we’re not just talking Instagram here.

How would you caption this video? I bet AI could.

Here are some other examples of how AI writers can help you with short-form content:

Content Briefs

While articles can be long-form or short-form, I’m planting the content brief firmly in the short-form section.

While articles can get very wordy, content writers can write most articles you come across with a content brief of only a few hundred words.

If you want to bring some well-needed rest to your poor editor’s hands, give content briefs a shot in an AI writing assistant and see how much time is saved.

Social Media Posts

AI assistants can help you write shorter-form content like tweets or Facebook status updates. The job can get even easier if you have a high-quality template explicitly designed for this use case.

In addition to writing the actual content, what about filling up your social media planning calendar? Then, you can get suggestions from AI writing assistants for future social media posts and social media campaigns.

Blog Post Outlines

This one might seem obvious, but it’s still worth mentioning. Blog post outlines are another excellent example of short-form content.

A blog post outline lists bullet points describing the article’s main points. This helps you plan and cover all the essential topics without getting too wordy.

AI writers can easily create these outlines for you. They’ll care for formatting, grammar, and spelling, among other things. As a result, you’ll have a high-quality outline to submit to a writer in minutes instead of hours.

Product Descriptions

Another area where AI writers excel is product descriptions. Unfortunately, business owners overlook product descriptions as a type of content, but they are responsible for your sales!

It’s easy to forget how important a product description can be to the buying process (as evidenced by the countless terrible product descriptions I see daily on Amazon).

An AI writing assistant can help you write better product descriptions. They’ll do the heavy lifting for you, including checking for grammatical errors and ensuring the copy reads well.

Idea Lists

While this may not technically be a formal “type” of content, an excellent use is having AI writers output lists of ideas. Perhaps you need ideas for:

  • More blog posts
  • Questions for a frequently asked questions section
  • A list of ideas for a listicle-style article

There are lots of “idea lists” that can benefit most businesses. If you’ve got a good idea for a listicle, but need a little help getting the ideas for it, then let an AI writing assistant handle the work.

No longer will you stare at the blank screen like:

Long-form Content Use Cases

Of course, there are plenty of other types of writing that can benefit from AI writing assistance.

For instance, you can use AI writing assistants to generate long-form media such as ebooks, white papers, and guides.

You can also generate longer blog posts, press releases, and more.

Press Releases

As mentioned earlier, press releases are a great example of long-form content. Press releases can be precious when done right.

Maybe you need to announce a new product launch, a new initiative, or an upcoming event. These are all newsworthy events that deserve attention.

But most companies don’t know how to write a good press release. That’s why AI writing assistants can save you so much time and effort.

They’ll avoid grammatical mistakes and ensure that the text flows smoothly. They’ll also ensure that the language used is appropriate for the audience.

Ebook Outlines

Ebooks are another type of long-form content that can benefit from AI writers.

These days, many people prefer reading digital books rather than physical ones. But creating an ebook requires a lot of work.

If you’re looking for a way to automate some of the grunt work involved with ebook creation, then AI writing assistants can help.

The best part is that they won’t just produce a basic outline. Instead, AI writers are fully capable of producing detailed outlines, which will help to ensure a high-quality end-product produced by your writers.

Email Campaigns

Email campaigns are crucial to many businesses. You’ve probably heard the phrase “the money is in the list.” AI writers can help you craft exciting email campaigns that capture your customer’s attention.

This is especially true if you run a B2B (Business to Business) company. For example, if you send out regular emails to clients and prospects, then you should consider using AI writing assistants to improve the quality of those messages.

AI writers are great for helping with consistency. It’s easier to send emails consistently when you never worry about the blank page.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

I won’t claim the AI writers are SEO experts, although some AI writers have some terrific SEO tools built into them. However, I can say that they are so broad with their wording selections and topical understanding that you have a much greater chance of mentioning more relevant phrases when using an AI writing assistant.

Many websites rely heavily on search engine optimization to drive traffic to their site. This means that it’s essential to get your content written correctly.

That’s because Google and other search engines look at the words and phrases used in web pages to determine what content is relevant to users. So if you want to rank higher in search results, you need to use the right words. And AI writing assistants can help.

Entire Blog Posts

Earlier, we mentioned having artificial intelligence create a blog post outline for you. But did you know you can also have AI assist you with writing the blog post itself?

Blog posts are the bread and butter of a business’s content strategy. It would be best if you had a good outline, a great AI writing assistant, and some time to work through the content.

Repurposing or Rewriting Content

You may think, “Why would I ever want to repurpose or rewrite existing content?”

Well, there are plenty of reasons. For example, you might want to update old content with new information. Or perhaps you’d like to add a few extra paragraphs to an article.

Or maybe you want to change the tone of an entire piece. In any case, AI writing assistants can help you do all this without having to retype everything from scratch.

Another use case for rewriting your content is if you want to share it on another website, such as; sure, you could copy and paste the entire article, but wouldn’t it be better to post a rewritten version?

This allows you to share your well-thought-out ideas with the world without reinventing the wheel each time you want to syndicate a piece of content for your business.

Final Thoughts

AI writers are beneficial for businesses of all shapes and sizes. They’re able to create engaging, informative, and entertaining content, which means they’re perfect for helping companies reach their target audience.

The best part is that they’re able to produce high-quality content quickly, which is ideal for busy professionals who want to keep up with the latest trends without spending hours each day writing blog posts or articles. So whether you’re looking for help creating content for your website or social media pages, or you want to hire someone to write content for your company newsletter, AI writers are a fantastic option.