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AI Writing Assistant: A Better Name For AI Writers

AI Writing Assistant: A Better Name For AI Writers

Photo of author
Written By Kris Phelps

Throughout KrisAI, you’ll see references to “AI writers” and “AI-assisted content creation.” So why do we prefer to use the phrase “AI-assisted content creation” or “AI writing assistant?”

We love how to-the-point the term “AI writer” is, but it doesn’t describe our views on what “AI writers” really are. This article will explain how AI-assisted content creation is a better way of looking at “AI writers.”

However, the term “AI writers?”

Just kidding. We’re not purists, we use it all the time, but we wanted to explain our actual views.

AI Writers Assist Human Writers In Being More Productive

In our article “Will AI Replace Content Writers?” we explore the idea that some hold about whether AI writers will replace human writers. I don’t want to re-hash too many of the same thoughts here, so I’ll keep it brief: AI writers struggle to write high-quality, accurate content independently.

This is for many reasons, but some of the causes include:

  • A writer is supplying poor context to the AI writer.
  • The difficulty for the AI to understand the intent of a piece of content
  • The inability of the AI to deviate from its preprogrammed bias.

Like Photoshop is for artists, AI writers are a tool to quickly get writers from the beginning to the end of a project. For some, Photoshop has replaced paint and canvas. However, Photoshop hasn’t eliminated artists. Instead, it helps some of them work differently.

In What Ways Do AI Writers Assist Human Writers?

There are a few ways in which AI writers assist human writers. For example, they help reduce the need for pre-writing research, help writers develop diverse ideas quickly, and type significantly faster than most writers.

AI Writers Can Help Reduce The Need For Research (But Not Fact-Checking)

AI writers have been pre-seeded with vast amounts of information. They have connected the dots between many people, history, facts, and events using machine learning. This gives human writers a massive advantage!

This means they are ready to answer many questions your writers might otherwise have to research themselves. For example, your writer may not know why airbags are required in all modern vehicles, but AI can usually give you a reason.

This is perfect for keeping the content creation process going, but editors should fact-check all facts. Artificial intelligence is far from perfect. While the writing assistant output tends to be correct, we’ve also experienced some incorrect output.

AI Writers Help Ideate Quickly

One of our favorite use cases for AI-powered writing assistants is generating content ideas for blog posts and social media campaigns. Unfortunately, we’ve experienced “blank page syndrome” first-hand, which is avoidable.

All content creators need to do is ask our deep learning friend for some ideas, and voila! A giant list of topics pops out for your next social media post, a bunch of questions you can answer in your blog posts, or content ideas for your next email campaign.

AI Writing Assistants Help Writers Break Habits And Repetition

Most human writers have their go-to words and do not even realize it. For example, many writers will begin the conclusion of their article with “in conclusion,” then write their conclusion.

Other writers might use phrases like “there is many things…” when the proper phrasing is “there are many things…” AI does not make these basic grammar mistakes. For example, AI usually doesn’t confuse “there,” “their,” and “they’re,” and it writes in complete sentences.

These habits quickly go unnoticed by the writer, but it might get annoying reading the exact wording repeatedly if you’re a reader. So AI writing assistants break some habits by supplying language you might not have chosen.

For example, I often write and use big words that Grammarly consistently chastises yells at me for. When I use an AI writer, though, it chooses simpler terms that are friendlier to most readers.

AI Writers Type Faster

This one probably isn’t surprising, but the AI writing assistants are fast at typing! They’re certainly more rapid than most writers out there. They can quickly type the answers to questions faster than most of us can formulate the response in our heads.

What Are Some Writing Jobs An AI Writing Assistant Can Help With?

We have a whole article that discusses the many use cases for AI writing assistants, but we’ll highlight a few here to demonstrate how helpful they can be.

Content Briefs

If you’re looking to create content briefs, an AI writing assistant can help you generate content briefs in minutes. You can then choose the best ones based on quality and relevance.

I’ve heard of companies using AI-writers solely for content briefs and increasing their writer productivity from the consistency and quality of the content briefs and automated research.

Social Media Posts

AI Writing assistants can help you create content for different social media platforms. Whether it’s long-form content like a LinkedIn post or short-form content like an Instagram photo caption, AI writing assistants can do it.

In addition to generating the actual content, AI writing assistants can also output ideas you can use for future social media posts or social media campaigns.

Email Campaigns

An AI writing assistant can help write high-quality email campaigns. This could be a huge time saver if you’re running an email marketing company.

You can also use AI writing assistants to help you brainstorm new email campaigns or improve existing ones.

You can also automate other parts of the process by asking the AI writing assistant to write the subject lines, body copy, and call-to-action buttons.

Blog Post Outlines

Another excellent use case for AI writing assistants is outlining blog posts. You can ask the AI writing assistant to outline blog posts for you, saving you hours of work.

The AI writing assistant can suggest keywords and phrases in your blog post. Of course, this will largely depend on your chosen AI writer, but most AI writers have been seeded with so much content that they have a decent grasp of most subjects and will naturally use the keywords that one would expect on a given topic.

Entire Blog Posts

An AI writing assistant can help brainstorm blog post ideas for you. If you don’t know what to write about, you can ask the AI writing assistant for ideas.

It might not always come up with something unique, but it will give you enough ideas to start.

Product Descriptions

One of my favorite uses for AI writing assistants is product descriptions. However, we’ve found that writers can struggle with the monotony of producing good product descriptions.

Most people think of product descriptions as uninteresting, but they play a crucial role in helping customers make purchasing decisions.

They need to understand a product’s features and benefits before deciding whether or not to buy it.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

If you run an online business, SEO is critical to its success. The more traffic you get, the more sales you generate!

But how do you get all those visitors? By using an AI writing assistant that has an SEO-focused approach.

By using software to optimize your content for search intent and user intent, you eliminate the guesswork of writing an article and hoping it works.

Repurposing or Rewriting Content

We often have to repurpose or rewrite content for one reason or another.

Why write a long LinkedIn post from scratch when you can reuse your current work? You want to work smarter, not harder.

While you can do what others do and copy and paste your content, why not rewrite your content so the platform can enjoy unique content while you don’t have to spend time re-inventing the wheel?

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, AI writing assistants are here to stay. They help us write faster, better, and more efficiently than ever. While these tools aren’t perfect, they’re improving writers’ lives and jobs quickly.

The future of writing is bright, and it looks like AI will be right there, helping us along the way. So, whether you want to become a writer, a content creator, or just someone who wants to improve their productivity, keep your eye on AI writing assistants.